I thought it was Halaal!
We think that since these things contains Islamic words and thoughts then it is Halaal/ lawful? i don't think so. for practical assistance and advice, here are some things/stuff/ people/site that you should be very careful in dealing with, 'cause in most cases they really make an impact in your heart. remember that there is this one muscle that we should take care of. if that muscle is sick, then the whole body is sick, if that muscle is healthy, then the whole body is healthy. it's the Heart.
Music. Music? Music! Music....!!!???
yes! it's Music my dear, don't be so violent. it is clearly stated in the Holy Qur'an (i said it's Holy because Qur'an is the only revelation from God that hasn't changed or revised). so if you don't believe me, i challenge you to search it on authentic sites, i said authentic, ok?
Question: what about those Muslims who uses Musical instrument as part of their worship?
ans: oh! those gay-like dancers that wears a long skirts and twirls several times? i bet you know what i mean (hehe) well dear, there are 70+ sects of Muslims nowadays, and all of them are claiming that they practice the REAL Islam. but the only people who are REALLY practicing Islam are the people who ONLY FOLLOW THE HOLY QUR'AN AND THE SUNNAH OF PROPHET MOHAMMAD (S.A.W.).
Question: how about those Islamic musics or nasheed? are they also Haraam?
ans: it depends, if the nasheed really makes you remind of Allah, hereafter, death, or to be grateful.. etc. then it would be okay, but if the nasheed contains musical instrument then you must think a several times before listening to it, because you might draw your attention to the beat, rhythm, sounds rather to the message of the song, then that's the start of shaitans journey to your heart just by listening to it. so i suggest you better be cautious than to be regretful.
to be continue...
to be continue...